Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Reason for This Blog

Hello and welcome to my new blog. I have never tried this before and I cant promise that I am a great writer. Actually, I am definitely not good at it at all so please forgive me for that.

So, I decided to start this blog with the intention of sharing my testimony as well as my more recent spiritual journey. I don't expect other people to understand everything or agree with it all. However, I plan to post scriptures and I hope that you will at least study it for yourself before coming to the conclusion that I am crazy.

I come across someone almost daily that wants to know how I view somehting or why I think the way that I do. Most of my answers are not short and tend to be hard to understand if they are new concepts to the other person. My hope is that when someone asks me a question I can simply direct them to this blog and they will be able to read my full thought when it is convenient for them to do so. I don't like having to give people partial answers when I dont even have time to show the in the Bible why I beleive the things I do. Scripture is very important to me.

Again, I do not expect everyone to agree with everythign I believe. Heck, I have change most of my beliefs this past year and I am sure I will change a few more in the years to come. In the end it does not matter if we differ becuase G-d knows each of our hearts. I can tell you this: I will be wrong about a lot of things but I love Yeshua and long for a closer relationship with Him. If nothing else, I hope that reading this will cause you to love Him and want to build a close relationship with Him too.


  1. I already concluded that you're crazy.
    But I think you mean some other kind of crazy.
    -James A Woods

  2. i agree with adam........... hehe j.k.! i love it kwyn and will be following so keep up the amazing work!!
